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Black Walnut Trees

Q.Can You Leave The Husk On A Black Walnut For Planting?

Zone 37387 | IanK13 added on November 3, 2020 | Answered

Hi, I was wondering if it is absolutely necessary to remove the husks from black walnuts before planting them. Does this happen in the wild? Also, I wanted to start them in pots vs. the ground. Any tips on this? Are there benefits to planting the large walnuts vs. the small? I’ve collected a few hundred on the farm property I just purchased. Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 4, 2020

All but one source I read said to remove the husks then soak the nuts in water. Discard the "floaters." They need a cold period so you'll need to chill your seeds before planting in pots. If planting in the ground you could do it right away. Since you don't want to hull the nuts, here is the extension publication that said you don't need to:


Every couple of years the trees produce large nuts. When planting, plant them 2 to 3 inches deep. If planting several in a container, place them as far apart as possible. They will form a tap root quickly, so you won't want to keep them in a pot for too long.

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