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Bougainvillea Plants

Q.Can I propagate my bougainvillea from my large plants?

Zone 5072 | Anonymous added on October 29, 2020 | Answered

I have had my Bougainvillea along the side fence for 10 years and it is magnificent. However I have let it get quite woody and it is bending my wooden slats on the top of my fence by having grown under it!! SO I have hacked back a section (1/4 of the length ) to the bare fence and was wondering if I could propagate some plants from the existing 3/4 of the creeper to replant in the nude bit?? I know I could buy a few plants but as mine are so healthy (although very wooden at the back) I thought I would see if I could use them. JUST went out and photo’d the underneath woody section! I suppose I should ask if I really need to start again with replanting the whole hedge??
I would really value your advice on this issue.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2020

These are beautiful, and one of my favorites. Yes, you certainly can propagate them from cuttings to fill in. This article explains it pretty well. I don't think you should need to buy more plants. You have a wealth of cuttings available here. It is easier though to propagate from the green, softwood cuttings rather than the woody ones.

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