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Potentilla Shrubs

Q.Can anyone help identify this plant please.

Zone Isle of Man, UK | Sharper added on May 6, 2019 | Answered

Currently in a pot in shade. Trying to work out care for this plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 7, 2019

Thank you. I have checked but the leaves are too small for a potentilla.
It was originally bought as a Mexican Orange Blossom but I think we were fiddled as there is no resemblance to this. Leaves are a maximum of 5mm long. The plant currently stands at about 1m tall.

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Answered on May 6, 2019

The picture is a bit fuzzy but it looks like a white potentilla shrub. It is a hybrid as the normal flower color is yellow. The following link takes you to information/care of this plant. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/potentilla/growing-potentilla-shrubs.htm

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