Q.camperdown elm seedling
When we bought our property in Wisconsin in 1986, it included a beautiful large Camperdown elm, about 90 years old at the time. About 5 years ago, it succumbed to dutch elm disease. It had always been a prolific seed producer, but we paid little attention to the seedlings until the parent tree had died. Several of them, however, are now growing into the weeping form, hugging the ground. I was under the impression that such a thing was not possible; that the weeping form was only available as graft stock from existing trees. Can you help me with this? Are our weeping seedlings common or rare? The tree has grown considerably since these photos were taken, but they show what I am talking about.
Gary Bothe

I was not able to locate much information on grafted stock.
These links have more information.
You can also check with your County Extension Office, as there may be more trees in the region then yours.