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Lily Plants

Q.buying seeds

Zone merrimack, nh 03054 | Anonymous added on November 12, 2019 | Answered

I would like to know where I could buy lily spoon osteospermum seeds. I bought some on eBay, which came from a seller in China, and they weren’t even osteospermum, let alone be the lily spoon version. Even the plain osteospermum are hard to find seeds. I live in Nh, the southern part. The growers say they start them from cuttings because they say they are a bit difficult. I had some seeds and did grow them and got them to a plant and then I left it outside and of course, that night, we had a frost so that was that. I have also read that the plants do not produce seed or that it is sterile and will not produce a “like” plant but I don’t care what color it is. I just want to be able to grow it from seed, no matter what it looks like. I bought one at a nursery, this year, but neglected to let it go to seed. If you can help, that would be great.
thank you so much, Patty in NH

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 14, 2019

Our policy is not to recommend vendors or products. But in a quick Internet search a few came up from garden centers. If you are going to look for these online, you should go through a reputable dealer or a registered company. This will increase the likelyhood of finding what you are looking for. Purchasing from individuals, or others from places like amazon or ebay are at one's own discretion.

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