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Bleeding Heart Plants

Q.Bleeding Heart bush

Zone 02915 | Anonymous added on May 26, 2018 | Answered

I planted 2 bleeding heart bushes 3 years ago..one geypts a bit more sun than the other..however they both were doing great as of last summer..This season only one has come back and is blooming.. I live in RI..and last winter was not that harsh..what happened?? Also..my 2 Catmint bushes..the same age as my bleeding hearts..are only about 6 inches out of the ground..usually by now they’re about a foot and a half high and wide..what’s wrong? Ty for any input Cheryl D

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 28, 2018

Warm winters can often be harder on perennials then colder weather. Temperature fluctuations in winter can often do damage to plants that do not go into a dormancy and stay there.
Lack of snow can also leave plants unprotected.

Plants emerge at different times and will generally take off growth when soil temperatures warm sufficiently .


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