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Hosta Plant

Q.Back Of House Is Facing South East, Can I Plant Hostas Directly The Behind The Back Wall Of The House House

Zone zone 7? northeastern VA near mouth of Potomac river | lynnedalpino@gmail.com added on April 26, 2020 | Answered

The back wall of the house has gravel along it about 4 ft. wide because there is no gutter. I need to leave it clear reltively clear, but would like to put in a bit of green to soften the look. Hostas would be simple and attractive. I will plant them first and then add the large gravel with plenty of space to carch the rain. There isn’ really any shade to speak of.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 28, 2020

If there is no shade, then your hostas will not ever look happy. They are meant for shade, and even tolerate deep shade.

This article will help you with their care:


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