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Anthurium Plants


Zone Baltimore Md. 21218 | kelleymary165 added on March 25, 2017 | Answered

I was given this plant. It is in a glass container 8 1/2 in. tall and 10 in. round. It has some round, light brown-looking beads in the bottom, then perhaps inch of soil, then the rest is roots.

I am “babysitting” this plant for a friend who has moved. I have no idea how to care for it. It has one blossom at this time.

Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 27, 2017

It sounds like you mean Anthurium- does this look something like your plant?

Growing in a glass container with no drainage holes (likely with water at the bottom) is not the best way to grow these plants, but if you're planning to return the plant to your friend, just keep it in the glass container and replenish the water when needed to keep it at the same level.

If you will be keeping the plant, I'd recommend repotting it in a traditional container with a soil mix and drainage holes at the bottom. This will make it healthier in the long run. Here is more information about the soil mix and conditions Anthurium prefers:

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