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Anthurium Plants

Q.Anthurium Does not Bloom

Anonymous added on June 18, 2015 | Answered

I have an indoor anthurium. It had pink blooms on it when I first got it – last year. Although it gets new leaves, sometime the tips get brown. Also, no flowers have bloomed. It is by a door wall facing north. I have used fertilizer spikes and a nursery suggested Miracle grow for watering. No luck. Thank you for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2015

You may be lacking phosphorus. If there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil, plants will have little to no blooms. You can either use a phosphorus rich fertilizer or add some bone meal to the soil.

The brown tips are most likely caused by over or under watering. Water the plants when the soil is dry to the touch on top.

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