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Desert Rose Plants

Q.Adenium Obesum Loosing Leaves

Zone New Orleans LA 70125 | Anonymous added on March 16, 2022 | Answered

Ladies and Gentlemen I have two adeniums that I am at a loss to deal with. They both did fine over the winter. They were warm and had grow lights. During the last week of February, both began to loose leaves rapidly. Adenium 1, produces a cluster of white flowers. In addition to loosing it’s leaves, it began to produce a cluster of buds on two of the stalks. Two of the buds have already dropped off. Adenium 2 produces a red flower. It has no buds but is starting to sprout new leaves on every stalk. Including the short ones. I know I should have pruned and repotted both over the winter but they looked so healthy. My questions: Is it too late to prune and repot both? They are in the original store container from the purchase two years ago. Should I just prune and repot Adenium 2 and take my chances on Adenium 1’s Spring bloom? What would you do? thank you for your help with this. I live in New Orleans LA and have no business growing Adenium Obesum. Take care! Bill

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 17, 2022
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