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Foxtail Lily Plants

Q.Accidentally Broke The New Shoot Of My Foxtail Lily

Zone Montreal | Lightbubble added on April 20, 2022 | Answered

Hi, I planted my first foxtail lily (eremurus robustus) tuber last Fall and it had two sprouts this week (about 1.5 cm height). Due to the mystery that is Quebec weather, we had 15cm snowfall today. I wanted to clean the snow from the top of the bulb but accidentally broke the shoots. One is completely broken and I can see the inner layers of what’s left on the tuber while the other hangs from one side and can still stand straight on the tuber. Will they still grow this year? Or will it stay an ungrown tuber until next year? I hope that it can at least grow some leaves to do photosynthesis and what not. If it doesn’t, will the tuber die? Thank you very much for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 20, 2022

There isn't much that you can do to help what has happened to them, but they will likely recover. Just offer them proper care and it will likely shake off the injury, just fine!

This article will offer more information on the care of the plant:


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