I have Foxtail lily flowers that I have had for several years. In the past couple of years or so, the leaves have been turning brown before the plant even blooms. The plant finally blooms, but the leaves are brown. What is causing that?
These plants are prone to root rot if the soil is allowed to become too moist by poor watering practices or overcrowding. With this fungal disease, plant leaves will often turn brown prior to blooming. Keeping plants dry and providing adequate air circulation can help alleviate problems, as will dividing the plants. The use of copper fungicides can also aid with prevention.
When should I plant foxtail lilies? Plus, can I plant them in groups?
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/foxtail-lily/foxtail-lily-plant.htm
I recently purchased Eremurus, not sure I planted them properly. It has these brown finger like tentacles. Do they get buried in ground or is it the other way around? They should be on top. Was not sure, thanks.
Marie Gimberlein
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/foxtail-lily/foxtail-lily-plant.htm
Can I keep my foxtail plant indoors next to a window?
This depends on the type of foxtail plant you are referring, as there are a number of plants that share this common name (foxtail lily, foxtail fern, foxtail grass, foxtail palm). Let us know which you are growing and we can be of more help.
My foxtail lilies are now 4 years old and have bloomed every year except this year. The foliage is there but only 1 feeble flower. Is there something I should do to ensure flowers next year?
My foxtail Lily seems to get less blooms. It is only a few years old and I three flowers two years ago, two last year and only one this year. Is there something I can do to turn this around?
You may want to try adding some more phosphorus to the soil, such as bone meal. Normally, when flowers fail to bloom, this is the reason. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/phosphorus-plant-growth.htm
how to propagate. Can it be done by root cutting, and what are the needs for planting the seeds
Lifting and dividing the crowns and roots should only be done every 6 years or when the crowns lift out of the soil.
Seeds should be sown in the autumn right after they are harvested.
Seeds can be placed in trays or pots of planting medium and placed in a cold frame. Germination is very slow and it can take up to 12 months.
They are not too fond of being uprooted but it can be done. Seeding is your best chance at propagation. Here is a link on more info;