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Q.A mushroom/toadstool with a flat cap, darkish centre and a ‘daisy’ appearance ie large petals. What is it?

Zone Sutton Outer London | Anonymous added on August 28, 2020 | Answered

I grows where a very large and old ‘fir’ tree was removed on sawdust covered ground.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 30, 2020

Your photo did not come through. Mushrooms are hard to identify, even with a microscope. Many mushrooms dry and crack like you describe. It will be nearly impossible to determine what it is without clear detailed photos of the mushroom (all parts) the area it was found in, and a photo of the spore print.

Here are some articles on mushrooms that may be of interest:




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