Q.Zoysia Grass Winter Damage
I live in south central Texas. I have a 9-year-old Zoysia lawn. We recently have gone through a two-year drought, six months of considerable rain, and an unusally cold winter. My grass does not show many signs of greening up yet (March 10). I have raked out most of the thatch and mowed it once pretty low. I plan to spread compost over the entire lawn by April 1. Do you think the grass is still dormant or possibly froze and may not come back? Or, am I just impatient?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Zoysia grass is pretty hardy, so I do not think it is completely dead. There may be significant die back, but I am certain it will come back. Go ahead and add the compost as that will help it recover but wait on mowing it further until you see active growth.