Q.Zoysia Grass Removal
My neighbor has zoysia grass, which has jumped his driveway and it now growing in to our front lawn. How can I get rid of it?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Zoysia is extremely difficult to get rid of. You can either mow it down as close as possible to the ground and treat with herbicide or remove the sod with a sod cutter. Small areas or patches of Zoysia in a lawn can be treated with a non-selective type herbicide, such as Round-up. However, this type of herbicide can potentially kill any plant it comes in contact with. So be careful when spraying around plants you want to keep.
For best results, apply the herbicide when the Zoysia grass is still green, actively growing and not dormant or under drought stress. Since Zoysia grass may regrow, more than one application will probably be needed.