Q.Zi Zi plant
We were given a Zi Zi plant several years ago. We thought it died but when I tried to get rid of it, I found its roots were ok and it was still alive. We put it in water and it started to do great. We’ve tried to replant it multiple times, but it dies (there were several starts originally) or starts looking terrible after extended periods of being in the water. I’m afraid I’m going to kill it whether I keep it in water or plant it in dirt! What can I do to make it live? Please help!:)
Thank you for the ideas.
I am going to refer you to the following article, please look at the section "what to do when only the roots are alive" section. Give the advice in this section a go and see what happens.
I did a little research and it seems that ZZ plants are best propagated by leaves (just in case you had a leaf that survived):
For more information on the ZZ plant, please visit the following link: