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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Zebra grass

Zone 22546 | theresacappello added on August 11, 2017 | Answered

My zebra grass had no inflorescence last fall and this spring i have only a few pieces of grass that grew back. Do I need to feed these and when? What happened to the plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 11, 2017

I wish I had a picture! Usually ornamental grasses aren't seriously bothered by pests with aphids and mites causing minor issues but you could have a burrowing animal at work. Voles, for instance, eat grass roots and woodchucks dig good-sized tunnels to their burrows. If it goes right under your grass, that's it. If the plant has been in place over 5 years, I would dig the entire clump up and examine the roots for problems. Divide out the dead portions and replant after amending the soil. Make sure not to bury the crown as this will kill it. While they like lots of water, they also need well-draining soil or their roots will rot. While the plant is out of the ground, consider checking drainage by doing a soil percolation test.

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