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Yucca Plants

Q.Yucca Damage

Zone ox278us | tangomikej15 added on August 17, 2023 | Answered

I had a large Yukka in my garden which after wet dec last year followedd by frost killed the healthy tops off. Was 3.5 mtr high have cut down to 1 mtr but has not sprouted. How can I encourage growth? I did seal the to after cutting back. Please help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 17, 2023

Generally, sealing is considered an out of date practice. It tends to seal moisture to the cut area, which can make diseases worse. It was once thought to prevent it.


However, you can cut it down further to allow it to "harden off".

If and when the base sprouts pups, you can transplant them, or leave them to form a sort of "shrub":


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