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Persimmon Trees

Q.Young Persimmon Tree Leaves Curling

Zone London, UK | Jasi18 added on June 8, 2020 | Answered

My persimmon started off from a seed found inside the fruit this january. It is now been growing in soil for 3 months. After long sunny and dry weather in London, UK on a windowsill its leaves are curling. Soil was dry few times during this dry month but been watering it well after. What is the problem, what can I do to make it happy again?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 10, 2020

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through.

It sounds like the tree received too much water. Proper watering will consist of watering until you see a few drop coming out of the drain holes, then letting all extra water out. Then it is important to let the soil dry out, very thoroughly, down to at least 2 inches or more. Once it is bone dry down to that depth, then you can water again. This will achieve two things- This will ensure that the tree has plenty of moisture to the deeper roots without being too wet, AND it will allow nutrient and oxygen absorption. The action of alternating wetting and drying soil will be how the plant conducts its daily routine.

Saturated soils cause root suffocation and infection, so you may need to treat with a fungicide. After this, just correct the watering habit, and the tree will flourish in container with proper care. Here are some articles that will help:





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