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Aloe Vera Plants

Q.Yes Or No, I Could Re-propagate A Potted Aloe Pup In Water To Establish Roots?

Zone New Zealand | Beka Ellen added on September 23, 2020 | Answered

My sister has an aloe plant called Alfie. I have one of Alfie’s pups in a small pot and after 2 years he’s never really looked 10/10 healthy. I’m thinking he hasn’t got a good root system because it hasn’t grown much at all, it’s really just stayed alive as is. So if I dig it out to check the roots is that going to cause damage and if I find there’s really no roots can I put it in water to grow them or should dry it out or something else, maybe fertiliser now that it’s growing season here.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 24, 2020

Although Aloe are not heavy feeders, they can be.

They will live with little nutrients, or they will explode in growth with weekly feeding. As long as the soil is very well draining, and they receive a moderate amount of light, they can handle feeding quite often. Just make sure that the soil never stays moist. It needs to dry out quite a bit for the plant to be happy.

Let it dry out, pretty thoroughly, then water deeply once it is completely dry about half way down the container. Discard any water that come out of the bottom drainage hole. Don't let it stand in water.

Other than feeding and letting it dry out thoroughly, I wouldn't recommend doing anything else to it. Repotting will cause it quite a bit of stress.

Here is an article to help you with the care of Aloe in container:



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