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Q.Yellowing Leaves On New Pineapple Plant.

Zone South Australia 5162 | Flyn added on March 29, 2020 | Answered

Just changed my 2 pineapples which I grew from tops from small pot into a larger pot .used mixture of compost & sandy soil. Ph was close to neutral. Leaves have started to yellow off & then go brown. Have not excessively watered. What might be the problem Errol

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 30, 2020

Unfortunately your photo did not come through.

I would try and bring that pH down to around 5.5 or 6. This could likely be the issue.

Another thing to consider will be the container size that it was transplanted to. This should only be an inch or so larger on all sides, as going any larger than that will lead to guaranteed overwatering. This can cause the symptoms that are described, here.

I suspect that the pH is too high, though.

Here are some articles that will help:




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