Q.blue Birds Nest Spruce
Years ago, we planted a Birds Nest Spruce that always remained the color of a Colorado Blue Spruce. We loved it! I have an area at our new home that I would like to plant one, but have been searching everywhere for that color and can’t find it, nor has anyone ever heard of a “blue” one. Was the one we had a “fluke”? I also remember the needles being much softer than the green ones I see at nurseries. Any help you can provide would be appreciated! Thank you! I have no pictures to send.
Your Birds Nest likely had a more intense color when you first purchased it. I can speak from experience as I just planted a Bird's Nest last year.
There is a variety of dwarf Blue Spruce that is called a Globe Blue Spruce. It has a taller shape then a Birds Nest but could be mistaken for a Bird's Nest in it's smaller growth state.