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Hyacinth Plant

Q.wet soil microbes/depression …

Zone Southern Quebec - Zone 4 | Anonymous added on March 13, 2016 | Answered

I was so happy to find this article today! I don’t like to wear gloves in the garden unless I have to, and now I know why. 🙂 Don’t forget, the skin is our largest organ and it breathes, and enters our bloodstream in that way I would think – no need for a cut to get those lovely Mycobacterium Vaccae in. Combined with earthing/grounding benefits, it’s sad that so many people look down on, both literally and figuratively, those who work in their gardens.

Now I’m going to go read what you all have to say about spacing aubergines! 🙂

Thank you!

Anna (I’m not sure what the “site/private” choice is for my question. It’s not really private, but I’d rather let you decide what happens to it.)

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Answered on March 14, 2016

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