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Garden Problems

Q.Wood Ash Accident

Zone St. Louis, MO | Anonymous added on March 24, 2016 | Answered

I’m wondering about damage control in my flower bed. My 8 year old has often seen me add compost to my flower beds, and Saturday afternoon while playing outside, decided to help Mommy by dumping compost all over the mint section of my flower bed. Unfortunately, her “compost” was the wood ash from our fire pit. We haven’t used the pit since October, but I’m wondering if the ash would have broken down enough since then to be okay. If not, should I add something to the soil or dig it all out?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 25, 2016

I do think your mint will be just fine. If you see piles of wood ash, you could rinse it away from the soil surface.
Mint is very hardy.

Here is a link about wood ash in the garden.


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