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Bean Plants

Q.dry bean plants

Zone zone 5 chicago western burbs | Anonymous added on October 16, 2016 | Answered

With a freeze tomorrow night, what should I do with dry beans, like bumblebee beans? Pick and dry in pod or out of pod? I have several types of dried beans; some have already dried and
have been picked, shelled and put up in jars. The plants still have a lot of pods that are green or shades of yellow but not yet dry and tan. With a freeze (not just frost) coming tomorrow night, what is the proper approach after collecting the not quit dry pods?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 16, 2016

I would suggest covering with sheets. This will give the most protection from frost. Remove the coverings in the morning when temperatures are above freezing.
Pick any pods that show any signs of drying, flexible or wrinkled pods. These pods should dry successfully indoors with a fan for circulation.
Pick the green pods and enjoy your 'shellies' beans. Cook and eat them fresh or freeze them.
Think of the fresh beans as the silver lining to the end of the garden season.

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