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Wisteria Vines

Q.wisteria and soil

Zone 14609 | Grayce added on July 31, 2016 | Answered

A thriving wisteria is suddenly drooping. Could the water from flushing and cleaning cement tools have harmed the roots? About five days before the drooping, a small concrete walk was made at a distance away from the wisteria plant. But when the wheelbarrow and tools were cleaned, they were uphill from the plant and were generously sprayed with a hose. Some of that water (alkaline) probably seeped into the ground. Two ideas are being tried: 1) flood the area to dilute the alkaline water, and 2) mix a solution of Mir-Acid and apply in a patch between the cement water and the plant. Is it too late?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 2, 2016

Large volumes of concrete wastewater can burn plant roots.
You should have a soil test performed to determine what if anything has entered the soil around the Wisteria vine.
Wisteria needs soil with a ph of between 6-7.
Your local County Extension Office can help you with a soil test.
Here is a link to locate your nearest office.



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