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Feather Reed Grass

Q.Winterizing Karl Forester In Pots

Zone Oakville Ontario | Anonymous added on May 13, 2021 | Answered

Hello I’m thinking of planting Karl Forester grasses in 3 large pots which are placed on the side of the driveway but I am unsure how to winterize them. Would they survive if I moved the pots to a sheltered area and covered them up? Or, it would not be easy but inside a garage? Do you need to keep them moist over the winter? Thanks !Any advice appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 14, 2021

Here is an article about the grass. It is hardy to -29 to -26 C (-20 to -15 F). Does your area get colder than that? If it is close to your winter temps, I would move them into the garage. If you have some leeway, move them to a protected part of the yard and cover them. Water them about once a month in the winter.

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