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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Wintering Calla Lilies

lsteding added on October 30, 2014 | Answered

I have some Calla Lilies I have to dig up. They were my late mother’s. I know November is not the ideal time to do this,, but I have no choice. The foliage is starting yellow and a freeze is expected in next couple of days.

Although they winter over well here, my question is whether I should dig them and just replant at my house or should I try to dry them out and plant in spring? I suspect option #2 is probably best but haven’t had much luck with other bulbs in past.

Or should I plant in a pot that could be brought in if we have an extreme winter?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 30, 2014

November is not too late - you're probably right on target. Follow these instructions and you'll have a good chance of success. The important thing is to dry the bulbs thoroughly, and check on them now and then through the winter, to remove any bulbs that start to rot. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/calla-lily/calla-lily-winter-care.htm

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