Q.Winter Over-seeding With Grass Seed
I have periodically spread grass seed on my yard (Cincinnati, Ohio)this winter with the hope the freeze/thaw cycles would take the seed in for a sprout this spring. Is this a legitimate strategy to plant grass seed or a waste of money and best to plant grass after the weather warms up?
Can I apply my spring fertilizer with weed control product this spring at the appropriate time or will this kill any chances that the grass seed I spread this winter to germinate and grow.
Thank-you for any advice you might have.
Mike Manheim
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
When to seed will be dependent on the type of grass that you intend to plant. Cool season grasses will want to be seeded in Autumn, while warm season grasses will want to be seeded by late Spring.
The fertilizers should be added, either, several weeks before seeding, or once the grass has been well established. Too much fertilizer can prevent the seed from germinating at all.
Pre-emergents should be applied with plenty of time to break down, so that they do not kill the young grass seedlings. This will be dependent on the manufacturer's instructions. Some of them are safe, specifically, for grass seed. The packaging will confirm.
Here are some articles that will help: