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Container Azalea Plants

Q.winter care for outside POTTED Azaleas

Zone Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Anonymous added on October 18, 2020 | Answered

I read your article about azaleas for winter IN GROUND. Mine are in a large pot, outside. This is the first winter for the 2 plants. They are under a roof overhang, on a carpet sitting on a rock base. Do I cover them, water them etc. First year I have these plants and I would like to make sure they survive.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2020

You'll need to make sure the soil doesn't dry out completely in the cold weather, and that they have good drainage, but don't over-water. Surround the plants at their base with hay or straw or other mulching material. You can wrap the plants themselves in bubble wrap during especially cold periods. If you want extra protection, you can surround the pot with chicken wire and fill in with hay in between the wire and the pot. Aluminum warming blankets do a good job of insulating plants. Your local garden nursery probably carries special insulating wraps, as well. What you want to pay closest attention to is the roots, so if the plants are elevated, you may even want to tuck some insulation under the bottom of the pot.
Here's the article you may have been looking for: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/containers/overwintering-container-plants.htm

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