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Windmill Palms

Q.Windmill Palm loosening in the soil

Zone 29045 | Anonymous added on September 2, 2020 | Answered

Hi, my windmill palm appears to be healthy, with green palms and no yellowing at all. Recently I noticed my palm lean with a strong wind and it appears like it wants to come out of the ground. The other windmill palm I have which is much smaller is strong and stable and cannot be “rocked” when pushed. What can be causing this issue and what can I do to prevent losing this tree? Its been planted for two seasons and up to this point has done well. I am in the Midlands of South Carolina, USA, zone 8 and have sandy soil. Picture is attached; I just pushed the pine straw and weed fabric away this morning. Please help before I lose this baby!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 2, 2020

That is a beautiful palm! I wonder if the sandy soil is part of the problem. I have a couple articles for you that should help. The GKH article isn't necessarily about palm trees, but tells you how to stake a tree and get it upright. I hope these help.

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