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Chili Pepper Plants

Q.Wilted Chilli Leaves

Zone Le19 4bf | Leicester6 added on June 3, 2020 | Answered

I’ve attached a picture of my chilli leaves which have become very wilted, it’s only the new leaves that this is happening to, I’ve seen on the internet that it could be: lack of or excessive watering, burning from the sun or a lack of calcium. Could you please advise me? I’ve seen a feed called ‘plant it earth chilli, would that me worth trying or could you advise an alternative? Thanks in advance

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 4, 2020

I see a pH issue, and signs of overwatering, both.

Make sure that you let the soil dry between waterings, at least, down to 3 inches.

You will run into the problem of competition when you plant more than one pepper in the same container. This will decrease the yield capacity for both plants, often making them much less productive than, even, a single plant. In the future, only allow one plant to remain per container.

Treat with a fungicide, and reduce watering. Care for the plants, properly, and you can still expect something from them.

Here are some articles that will help:





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