Q.Will my tomato plant last to produce
I bought a Bonnie original tomato plant on clearance and it was completely dead. I brought it back to life but I planted it a few weeks too late as it was still cold temperatures. My plant is now very Hardy and about 4 foot tall and has bloomed many many yellow flowers but of course did not produce any tomatoes. I am preparing to cut it back cut the Dead Leaves off do I also cut off the flower blossoms and will it produce and do you know when it will? So many blooms but not one tomato cuz I planted it too late I believe do I cut all of that off? Thank you
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I think cutting it can rejuvenate the plant and that there is still time for production, but I think that there is an underlying issue that is causing the plant to die. This could be heat, or lack of water, or many other causes.
Can you include photos? This will help me to see what is going on the with plant. In the meantime, here is an article that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/growing-tomatoes-guide.htm