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Rose Campion Plants

Q.Rose Campion blooming

Zone Zone 6, North-Central West Virginia. | Jo777 added on July 16, 2015 | Answered

Will my Rose Campions bloom the first year? I planted seedlings and plants grown from seed and from bare root cuttings (first or second year old plants bought online) this spring (zone 6) and am wondering if they may flower later this summer or fall. Thanks for any your thoughts.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 18, 2015

I need to add that some Rose Compion plants have indeed been called unpredictable and may not bloom until their 2nd year, then die. Thus depending upon the actual plant, you may not see blooms until next season.

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Answered on July 18, 2015

If the plants are growing and doing well, they should bloom for you this summer. Here are some links to articles on them for you too:



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