Q.Will keeping the Lychee tree pruned back to keep it smaller than normal help produce Lychee fruit?
The reason I’m asking about this is because when I was little, my dad started growing a Lychee nut tree from a seed. I started mine just like my dad did. When our Lychee tree started to grow my dad cut it. Of course I started crying cause I thought he hurt it. He did explain to me why he did it, so that it wouldn’t get as big as Lychee trees do. It was just over 10 feet tall. It did produce a lot of Lychees for me and the kids in our neighborhood. We did end up losing it the year Florida was hit with one of the coldest winters ever. Even the orange grove companies had workers on duty 24/7 to keep the smug pots I think they’re called going to try and save their trees. That’s why I wish my dad was with me still. He said when growing them from seed, you have a greater chance of the tree producing if it’s kept pruned back to keep it smaller than the normal size. It could produce fruit sooner than if you let it grow to normal height. Since it wouldn’t take as much time getting the nutrients it needs to the top. I do remember how delicious the Lychees were, and how devastating it was when we lost it. We even covered it with blankets, but that year it was always 32 degrees or lower.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, this is a common way to increase production. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/lychee-tree/growing-lychee-trees.htm