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Baby's Breath Plants

Q.Will Baby’s Breath Grow In India?

rachelalan2007 added on April 14, 2021 | Answered

Will the plant be able to survive in a small pot in hot and humid climates in South India? How much water will it need? Temperatures rise quite a lot so should I grow it inside and keep it out for sunlight a little while every day? Same question for common daisies?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 14, 2021

Both plants can grow in a wide range of conditions, with the Daisy being more tolerant of direct sun. Growing Baby's Breath will require a bit of shade during the heat of the day, as they will be sensitive to this.

Watering both will be a similar procedure. Once the soil is, completely, dry down to 3 inches or so, then you can water again.

Here are a couple of articles that will help:



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