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Andromeda Plants

Q.Will Andromeda Blossoms Survive A Killing Frost?

Zone 01002 | Anonymous added on March 17, 2021 | Answered

my plant is still in its container, moved from a sunless 3-season porch to a west-facing balcony. In warm early March weather, it bloomed. Now we’re getting nights in the 20s. Should I bring it inside, or can I cover it with a blanket outside, or will it be fine as is?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 18, 2021

Is this Pieris japonica? If so, it is hardy to about -20 degrees F. However, if yours is still in the container I would bring it inside or cover it. It doesn't have the protection it would have if planted in the ground. Plus, if it is still in flower, the blooms will be killed by frost.


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