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Nectarine Trees

Q.will a nectarine pollinate with santa rosa plum

daveanitak added on August 7, 2014 | Answered

Will it pollinate with a gauge plum or any other plum?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 7, 2014

Yes, nectarines and plums are both members of the Prunus genus, and as such can be interbred to produce new fruits. If they are growing near each other, they could possibly pollinate each other, although the fruits of the trees would be the nectarine or plum that you were expecting. However, you could plant the seed of such a cross, and a new fruit might appear. It it were any good it would be sheer luck, though, because developing new strains of fruit, such as the pluots which are appearing in stores now, takes much skill and time.

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