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Hyacinth Plant

Q.wild roses

Zone durham, NC | Anonymous added on July 10, 2018 | Answered

Wild roses have come up in a wild part of my garden. Are they likely to produce flowers if I encourage the plants? How long is it likely to take?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 11, 2018

Not all wild roses are desirable. One that can just show up is the invasive multiflora rose; this you absolutely do not want and removal is advised. Stems quickly grow long and arching and thorns are large. It blooms once in spring. Another surprise rose is Rosa rugosa "beach rose". This spreads slowly by underground stolons and will form a colony in 10 years. Of course, you can remove unwanted new plants. Rose hips are nice on beach rose. They bloom all summer but not with the big flush of blooms seen in hybrid roses. There are native wild roses and these flower with dainty, simply blooms. They are usually under 3 ft tall. Their open flower makes it easier for pollinators to reach nectar and pollen. If you send a photo we might be able to recognize which one you have. Being in bloom helps.

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