Q.Why won’t my honeysuckle grow?
I bought a honeysuckle vine from a reputable garden centre in British Columbia, Canada two years ago at the end of the season and planted it in a large terracotta pot, and for last two years it it hasn’t hardly grown at all, not to mention not even a flower. I am very disappointed to say the least because I paid $35 plus tax for this vine. I recently put bark mulch around the base of the plant it to help keep it moist due to the very hot summer we’ve had here in BC.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
A good rich potting soil, water and fertilization are the first considerations. The mulch you applied is important too. Placement of the plant for sunlight exposure is vital. Too much shade and it won't grow and flower.
Adequate water is of utmost importance, consider using a soil moisture meter to take the guesswork out of when to water.
Fertilize in spring with a slow release fertilizer.