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Q.Why Won’t My Compost Heat Up?

Anonymous added on July 26, 2023 | Answered

Hello, I’m a beginner in the gardening area. I started a compost bin about one week ago. Ive done lots of research to do it correctly and good. I, however, have noticed that my compost doesn’t want to heat up. It smells like soil and doesn’t really smell like rotten food. Ive also watered it fairly to where it feels moist but not dampt. I have also turned it almost every day. I also made sure to add enough browns so that it doesn’t smell bad due to the decaying of the green materials. Why won’t it heat up?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 27, 2023

Make sure you have enough browns. The ratio of brown to green is 4 to 1. It also could be that the pile is not large enough. Here are other possibilities:


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