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Q.Why Won’t My Brugmansia Bloom

Zone 5 | sharonann219 added on July 26, 2011 | Answered

Both are potted. The pink one bloomed last year, white one didn’t. The same thing this year, pink one blooming now and white one has no buds. They are very large. I water regular and fertilize. My daturas bloomed (lovely) and new brug I got this year has blooms and is bigger than the ones from last year! The pots are large enough, plenty of sun. I’m confused.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 27, 2011

I am far from knowledgeable about Brugs so sent this question to a friend of mine who is a real guru. Here is her answer:

Susan, I would say she is NOT fertilizing often enough. I fertilize twice a week, and use a mixture of any good water soluble fertilizer and add Epsom salt and tomato fertilizer. Since they are in the tomato family, this really helps get more blooms. Also, they should NEVER dry out, and since hers are all in containers, she will have to water a lot.

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