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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Why the grass isn’t greener?

girlygardener103 added on July 26, 2012 | Answered

I have tried to grow grass in an area of my yard for five years. However, I can sustain baby and small patches of grass, but eventually it dies or crabgrass takes its place. In some of the areas, grass won’t even grow and in others a prickly weed grows. I have tried everything but I still can’t get grass to grow or get rid of the weeds that live there. Can you help? Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 31, 2012

Hey girlygardner don't give up hope - lawns may look easy but they take lots of work and lots more patience. Its hard to help without knowing more particulars but: Ground prep is important you may have to start over (tear up what sod there is or till it under; level it and perhaps add some top soil) choose a seed formulated for your conditions (sun/shade; dry/wet; soil type etc). You don't have to break the bank buying "designer seed" but check out the guarantee on the bag. I generally seed twice per year - once in fall just before snow - then in early spring as soon as I see new growth (oops you didn't say where you were??:). Use fertilizer carefully - read all directions - some are not good for new lawns and improper use is worse than none at all. If you choose to start over I believe there is grass seed already coated with the proper fertilizer. As for your weeds, dont just cut em off - go after them with long-bladed knife (I went to a second hand store and bought some old carving knife) stick the knife blade down into the ground beside the root as far as you can carefully twist the knife blade out taking the root of the weed with it (be merciless) go after them as soon as you see them and before they flower; with new grass water daily - in early morning, really soak it. As the grass becomes more established you can get away with watering deeply once per week (use a rain gauge to help you know how much water you're really giving your grass). Water in the early morning so water has a chance to drain into soil rather than evaporating in the heat. This will encourage deep roots which will help your lawn recover from drought, pests, etc. much better. As I mentioned it takes time (and I mean a couple of years at least) to get a beautiful lawn - but it will pay off in the end. I hope this was helpful - Reply back with some more details about your location and perhaps I can give you a few more tips that might work for you.

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