Q.why only male blossoms on squash?
My squash was transplanted a month and a half ago & I only had 3 fruit on 5 plants. there are lots of blossoms but very few female blossoms. What can I do to get more female blossoms?
Yes, I know male blossoms show first so don't tell me that. These plants have been in the ground for a month and a half. The squash did well in the same area last year so I don't think it is anything to do with the soil. Can PH change that much in a year? I am using homemade compost. The tomatoes, swiss chard, and garlic are doing well. The squash has plenty of male blossoms and leaves but almost no female blossoms. What can cause this? I need some real troubleshooting help here not just a quick trite throwaway answer.