Q.Why My Monstera Leaves Are Curling And Tips Facing Downwards
Hello, can you tell me why my monstera leaves are droopy and curling downwards? Even the stems are droopy and leaves hanging vertically? I live in London (UK) in a flat with south west facing window with lots of light and low humidity, that’s why I mist it occasionally, but still the leaves are hanging downwards. I only water it thoroughly when the first top inch of the soil is dry and fertilise it once a month.Are the leaves not getting enough water that’s why they are droopy?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You may want to consider repotting your plant if you haven't done so in some time. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/swiss-cheese-plant/repotting-cheese-plants.htm
Sometimes a slow wilt like this can indicate root rot. It sounds like you're doing everything else well, so you might consider this possibility as well: