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African Violets

Q.Why my African violets grow very thick in the centers

Zone 37363 | Anonymous added on April 15, 2020 | Answered

I have several that are really clumped in the center.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 16, 2020

Two things come to mind. Perhaps you are fertilizing too much, and/or, if you're not using fertilizer specially made for African Violets, you may be feeding the green growth but not encouraging the blooms. I would get some African Violet bloom fertilizer, and clip the leaf clumps from the middle. This should make the plants spread out a bit. If it were just one of the plants doing this, I'd say it needs to be repotted, but since they're both doing it, something isn't quite right. Here's a link for several articles that may help:


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