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Madagascar Palm

Q.Why Isn’t My Madagascar Palm Growing?

Zone 12566 | Anonymous added on December 26, 2021 | Answered

Hi! I’ve had my small Madagascar palm for close to two years now; it looks healthy, it hasn’t done anything unexpected and I haven’t seen any problems with my plant. However, it isn’t growing much at all. I’ve been keeping it directly under a grow light when it’s inside, and it’s in full sun when outside during the summer. The only change I have witnessed is it dropping its leaves and then regrowing them in the spring. I water sparsely. Am I doing something wrong? Does it grow extremely slowly?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 27, 2021

They go dormant during the winter and drop a few leaves. In spring, give it some fertilizer and see if it doesn't start growing. They are slow growers, especially in containers. (Our article says it can grow a foot a year, but I couldn't find that anywhere else. All other sources said slow growing.)



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