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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Why Is Our Newly Planted Hydrangea Dying?

Zone Gaithersburg, MD 20877 | Anonymous added on July 15, 2023 | Answered

We recently planted a newly purchased hydrangea in a spot where a pussy willow bush succumbed by the leaves suddenly drying up and the buds doing the same. Now, the hydrangea seems to be doing the same and it was planted just 2-3 weeks ago. It is close to a large holly bush/tree. Could the holly bush/tree be suppressing growth? There is a lilac bush close to where the hydrangea is planted, and it seems to be doing fine. We increased watering to be sure it wasn’t because of too little moisture that the plant is wilting. Any thoughts on what may be the reason for why this hydrangea seems to be following how the pussy willow bush went? We used Miracle Grow garden soil roughly half and half with the clay-ish soil in our gardens to give it better soil and we sprinkled a root supplement before placing the hydrangea in the spot and covering with soil.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 15, 2023

Hydrangeas planted in summer tend to be reactive to environmental conditions. A current spike in temperatures above 85F will promote leaf moisture loss faster than the roots can absorb more soil moisture. Leaf wilting can be promoted also by windy conditions, insufficient soil moisture and inconsistent soil moisture. If this is not a panicle hydrangea, it should be exposed to direct morning sun until 12am or earlier. The soil needs to be kept always moist in the summer. Water as soon as the soil is almost dry at a depth of 4”. Always maintain 3-4” of organic mulch (no rocks). Use enough gallons of water to ensure the soil is moist at a depth of 8” after watering.


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