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Hyacinth Plant

Q.why is my (white) wisteria vine suddenly starting to brown and droop?

Zone 93901 | garden newbie added on April 7, 2012 | Answered

My white wisteria vine is planted in a large tree barrel and is in full sun (California, central coast). It was blooming beautifully but suddenly began to droop and turn brown, not only on older blossoms but also new ones. I don’t see any evidence of insects or rot.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 8, 2012

I would say something is getting the roots. If you can, check them. There are several things it could be from root rot to pests to rodents.

It may also be a fungus. As a precaution, treat the plant with a fungicide.

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garden newbie
Answered on April 8, 2012

Thanks for the information. I am going to wash them with a fungicidal soap. Also, the nursery told me that because of the strong winds we had last week and cooler temps it could have damaged it but that new growth would be coming soon. We'll see!

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