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Grass Plants

Q.why is my newly seeded area dying?

Zone 41094 | rogerkerlin added on August 12, 2018 | Answered

We just planted grass seed in a bare area of our yard. The grass seed came up beautifully, however after a week or two a gray dying area has appeared in the middle of the newly seeded area. What could this be and what can we do to keep the entire area from dying? Thank YOU

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 12, 2018

I see this as a test of our problem-solving skills. Why was the area bare? How was the ground prepared? Has herbicide been used in the area recently and which one. (Some stay active much longer than others.) Where you watering 3 times daily during hot weather? Tiny new roots can't support grass in full sun during mid-day August heat. Is it too shady for grass to succeed? Did you use a regular fertilizer instead of a starter fertilizer? "Adult strength" fertilizer might burn new roots. If all of this checks out and you have read the attached article, then try again in a month. As always with difficult situations, consider a soil test.

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